
ChessKidz Intermediate:
STEPS Method: 2
Instructor: Coach Jake
Duration: 16 Weeks
Schedule: Mondays, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Class Location: Zoom
Start Date: January 20
End Date: May 5
Course Description
This course is designed for intermediate (>1400], young chess players who wish to deepen their tactical skills and understanding of strategies in chess. Based on the Chess STEPS Method, students will explore different methods to enhance both their offensive and defensive gameplay. Each class will cover different key topics from the STEPS Method, supported by historical game analyses, practical exercises, and interactive discussions to foster a robust understanding of chess tactics and strategy.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, students will:
Identify and execute various chess tactics such as double attacks, pins, and forks, increasing their ability to capitalize on tactical opportunities.
Develop a deeper understanding of key positional concepts.
Improve their ability to plan and execute multi-move strategies, anticipating opponents' responses and preparing effective counterstrategies.
Weekly Topics and Schedule
Week 1 (Jan 2): Activity of the Pieces – Understanding how each piece can be optimally used.
Week 2 (Jan 27): Double Attack: Queen – Mastering the queen's potential for launching dual threats.
Week 3 (Feb 3): The Pin – Techniques to immobilize an opponent's piece, creating vulnerabilities.
Week 4 (Feb 10): Eliminating the Defense – Tactics to remove defending pieces to facilitate an attack.
Week 5 (Feb 17): The 3 Golden Rules – Exploring the fundamental principles of chess strategy.
Week 6 (Feb 24): Mate in Two – Learning to set up and solve two-move checkmates.
Week 7 (Mar 3): Double Attack: Knight – Employing the knight to attack two pieces at once.
Week 8 (Mar 10): Double Attack: Rook / Bishop / King – Using major and minor pieces in double attacks.
Week 9 (Mar 17): Mate – Studying various mating patterns and strategies.
Week 10 (Mar 24): Vulnerability in the Opening – Identifying and exploiting weak spots early in the game.
Week 11 (Mar 31): Defending – Learning key defensive tactics and strategies.
Week 12 (Apr 7): Route Planner – Planning effective piece movements for tactical and positional advantages.
Week 13 (Apr 14): Planning Mate – Advanced techniques for setting up checkmates.
Week 14 (Apr 21): Stalemate – Understanding how to avoid or force a stalemate.
Week 15 (Apr 28): Gaining Material – Techniques for winning pieces through superior tactics.
Week 16 (May 5): Review & Practical Application – Integrating the concepts learned through practical game scenarios and review.
Required Materials
Workbook STEP 2
(students heavily encouraged to purchase) -
Chess board and chess pieces for practice
Access to online chess platforms for simulated games
Access to Zoom for online class sessions
Please feel free to contact Coach Jacob at any time!
(603) 988 – 7984